No matter how well you care for your home, when it is time to sell, there are many things you can do to boost the appeal of your house. Home staging is a way to make your home even more appealing to potential buyers. With a little effort and some tricks of the trade, you can even increase your profit on your home!
Be Objective
Your home is YOUR home and you love it, or at least you used to love it. It will be hard to look around and see how rooms can be improved. Have a trusted friend or family member walk through the house to see what changes can be made. If you have already agreed to work with a REALTOR ® , he or she will be happy to give advice and suggestions.
Open Up the Space
You will want potential buyers to be able to picture their own furniture in the space. One way to help is to move out furniture or move it around within the room. Be sure to clear out closets in order to show off the storage space. You can store extra items in the garage or a friend’s house.
Keep Things Neutral
One thing to consider is removing personal items from the house. The school pictures of the kids which you adore won’t hold the same appeal to a potential buyer. Again, you want a buyer to be able to picture himself in your home, so make the surfaces and walls be as clutter free as possible. Speaking of walls, consider painting your rooms a more neutral shade to help appeal to more buyers.
When a potential buyer walks through your home, he or she will be looking around, smelling around and even touching. If you haven’t had your carpets cleaned in a while, consider making this small investment. Wipe down walls, countertops and anything else which may show dust and dirt. Light a candle just before a showing or spray with an odor neutralizer to help keep smells to a minimum.
Be Ready!
One of the hardest things about having a home for sale is getting the call that someone wants to see your house in an hour. When you look around, you notice your home is not ready to be seen in one hour! A client of mine had a laundry basket ready to fill up with stray items from around the house. She walked around and loaded up the laundry basket to take in the car with her when she left during the showing. Think of how you can be prepared for a last minute call!
All the work staging your home will also help when taking photos for your listing. People can fall in love with your home before they even step foot inside! For even more tips on home staging, visit our past blog.
Whether you are looking to buy or sell a home in Northern Virginia, we are always here to help with all your real estate needs! If you are unsure of your home’s value or if you are thinking about buying or selling, contact Jason at 703-298-7037 or