It’s an exciting time of year, and not just because of the holidays. For those who watch home trends, the release of the Pantone Color of the Year for the coming year is a much anticipated event. Designers and home decorators love getting a sneak peek at the color that is anticipated to be hot, hot, hot…at least until next year’s color is released.

The 2019 color of the year is “Living Coral”. It won’t be long before you start seeing the color everywhere, since Pantone advises numerous companies on color choice for product and brand identity. The choice of Living Coral injects not only a fresh, effervescent, and playful mood, but it also gives a big nod to the plight of dying coral ecosystems.   You can read more about the color choice here.

So, should you go out and buy new paint for your kitchen tomorrow? 

Here is the problem with the Pantone color of the year. It’s great fun to be “on trend”, but trends change…and in the case of the Pantone color of the year, there will be a new one come next December. And what you find fun and trendy now, may give you headaches a year from now.

Our best advice is to definitely incorporate this wonderful color into your home if you want. We shouldn’t be afraid of color, because color does so much to enrich our lives. But there are numerous ways you can bring Living Coral into your home without making changes to your decor that could be expensive to undo later. Pillows, throws, accessories on a bookshelf, artwork, throw rugs or curtains are all ways you incorporate Living Coral into your color scheme. When you are done with the color, you can simply replace those items with the next trending color with very little effort. It could be more difficult (and expensive) to repaint whole rooms, or replace furniture or fixtures.

In the end, it’s your home, and it should reflect your style and personality. If Living Coral makes you jump for joy, then use it and enjoy it. If you are trying to sell your home, then you may want to consider using it just as an accent, rather than making bolder choices. Here are some great products from Houzz to spur your inspiration!

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