
A common New Year’s resolution is to declutter. This could mean unloading clutter from our homes, our desks, or even our personal lives. However, these good intentions often go astray when you are faced with the daunting task of actually facing that clutter, categorizing it, and letting go of the things you no longer need or want.

The video below has some great tips for decluttering, and overcoming the rut we often find ourselves in. Don’t let the clutter win!

Decluttering often requires a mind shift, so give yourself time. You can do it!

What does 2020 have in store for you? If you are thinking about selling your home this year, decluttering is a great first step. We can help with the rest! Whether you are looking to buy or sell a home in Northern Virginia, we are always here to help with all your real estate needs! If you are unsure of your home’s value or if you are thinking about buying or selling, contact Jason at 703-298-7037 or Jason@JasonAndBonnie.com.