
Every year, we like to take some time to reflect on our blessings and remind ourselves to be thankful. However, the best way to be thankful is to pay it forward. In our digital world, there have never been so many options for helping our communities. Of course, there are big gestures, such as in-person volunteer opportunities and donations, but sometimes the small things are the best – a smile to brighten someone’s day, an ear to listen, a hand to help.

How you choose to give back is uniquely your own, but even in 2020 there are ways to give give of time, talent, and treasure while exercising social distance. Below are some tips to get you started!

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If you are interested in volunteering, you can find opportunities without leaving your couch. Using online search engines, such as VolunteerMatch, you can find opportunities that meet your unique interests and talents. You can look for local opportunities, or even remote/virtual opportunities.

If you plan to make monetary donations, you may want to consider doing a little investigative work before deciding which charities to support. Supporting charities that put your donations to good use, rather than paying high administrative costs, will ensure that your donation stretches as far as possible. There are numerous online charity watchdogs out there. One example is CharityWatch, and another is Charity Navigator. Both of these sites rate charities based on numerous factors and can help you determine which ones are best.

See Also: 
Holiday Gift-Giving Guide for 2020
Avoiding Phone Scams
Remembering Our Blessings on Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you enjoy your holiday! We are always here to help with all your Northern Virginia real estate needs! If you are unsure of your home’s value or if you are thinking about buying or selling, contact Jason at 703-298-7037 or Jason@JasonAndBonnie.com.