It’s almost that time! The holidays are upon us, and many people are doing things a little bit differently this year. The traditional “Black Friday” mobs and holiday shopping sprees will give way to a tidal wave of online shopping.
The holidays themselves may look a little different, too. We don’t know yet where we will be in containing the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s highly likely that this year’s holiday celebrations will be very different from years past. For the holiday gift-giver, this poses a bit of a conundrum. How can you give a thoughtful, meaningful gift from afar?
The ideas below are meant as a starting point, to spark your own imagination for rethinking the 2020 holiday gift-giving paradigm.
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While this the 2020 holiday season may not be everything we want it to be, there are plenty of ways we can still make our loved ones feel special, even from afar. Use your creativity and problem-solving skills to find new ways to show your love to family and friends! Pair your gift with virtual video call, and your holiday at home can still be filled with laughter and good times!
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